Easter Sunday and More...
So how did we spend Easter? The kids, yup, my son and brother, both with same age; and I played outside for the first time with these seeds that burst when soaked in water. What do you call these seeds? I have googled and asked my mother, but we can't find the name for this grass or plant. I just remember this game we also play back then. So, I collected the seeds under the scorching heat of the noon sun (I felt SUMMER 3x!) for more than 10 minutes. After collecting a number, I filled an empty egg container with water and spread the seeds, until it burst one by one. The kids were momentarily in awe, since they saw this for the first time. But it only lasted for a few seconds vs. the 10-minute collecting spree. Hehe. Here's how it looked like.
After the 30-second seed bursting experience, I watched the kids play. And after a few minutes they decided to come in and draw. Xiao Jih, my son, was actually writing and drawing the other night. And since I'm such a proud mama, I'll show them to you. Show some love mommies...
My baby showing off his drawing, those are robots, by the way...
This is actually a GUN, the speck of dirt on the far left is a bullet coming out of the gun....
After playing, writing and drawing, the boys decided to watch a movie. And since I'm having problems of making them sleep early, I decided not to let them take a nap in the afternoon. (Sadly, they did not sleep early in the evening still)...Thus, the Shrek Marathon. Look at those faces... it seemed they've watched it for the first time.
While they were busy watching, I made them pig masks made out of paper bags. Why pig? It's the only thing I can make. Hahaha. It was so easy that you don't need a tutorial for it. But if you want one or would like to modify this mask, please leave me a comment.
Paper Bag, pentelpen, scissors, glue or stapler plus some drawing skills, which I don't have.
Seems that Easter Sunday was really MORE... Happy late Easter everyone! It's already APRIL and Summer is here, what will you be up to?