
Woke up quite early today and stumbled upon on a Facebook page, My Child Mean Everything To Me. Brought me to tears scrolling through the pictures they have posted. Indeed, nothing compares to motherhood... from the moment you felt that little bump in your tummy, it was joy, excitement and yes, worry. I remembered that night I knew I was pregnant. I was unprepared, I had a lot of plans (yup, that's me, the great planner!), but... I got pregnant. And it was the most excruciating pain I felt. I have always wanted to be a mother, but not that time. And I did not want my baby to feel that. After a while, and a talk with my mother. I felt better and got more excited each day. I prayed just like any mother would, for complete set of fingers and toes, a whole body, no diseases. Everyday that was my prayer, and every day I waited for that moment my xiao jih will come out.

Being a mother is not a choice, it is our fate, our destiny, it is God's choice. Some women don't get to be mothers, while some waste their opportunity to being one. Motherhood is not something you can teach, it is learned through instinct and love. You cannot say you are unprepared or not worthy, when a child comes, it is a gift. And you don't reject gifts. I pray that young mothers will realize this blessing and become one. And I am hoping that if you really are unprepared, don't do it, take precautions. But if it happened already, accept it with responsibility and sooner or later, you'll realize you made the right decision.

After the whole 9 months of carrying my baby, I never felt tired, but felt even stronger as I welcome him in this world. I then realized how my mother feels. This joy is overwhelming that weakness is overpowered. It has almost been 5 years from August 8, 2008; today, my boy is very naughty and smart, but very sweet and loving. I am his world, as he is to me. I know it won't be that long that I can still shower him with kisses and let him do what I want him to do. But for today and the next couple of years I will cease the moment and watch him carefully grow to be the man God wants him to be.

Nowadays, mothers work. You cannot blame us. We work for additional income to sustain the needs of the family. We work because we went to college to have a career, have a name of our own. We work because we need and want it. But sometimes, we realize that working will not get us anywhere. Yes, we bring food to the table, buy the needs and wants of our kids. But do they need them all? I have been a manager for 5 years and is at the peak of my career. For 2 years, I have been promoted from one position to another. I have been greatly regarded by my superiors, that every time I try to resign they ask me not to. But I had to make a decision, because as years went by, I realized I never knew my son. I'm only with him for a few hours and while we're sleeping. And when I'm with him, I can't resist to be mad because of stress. And I just know, I'm not being a mother. I know, it's not easy giving up a career especially if you need it. But you just have to trust the Lord, and work for it. Who says, I'm not working? I am now home-based, working but making sure I see each step my son makes. Okay, not really each step, but I'm just there by his side when he needs me.

Every time I look at my son, I know I made the right decision of leaving my job, sacrificing my career and rejecting my dreams. For I know, this is not the time for me to dream for my own. This is the time  that my son needs me the most. I love you Xiao Jih. (Aw, tears are falling again...T-T)

Sharing some of my favorite pics from the page.


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