now and then...

yesterday night, we were talking about movies (mahtet, pangit and i)..then our topic shifted to the difference of people way back then as to now... in the old testament, people fear GOD...but love wasn't there, He was feared because He can do ALL THINGS... and they were afraid to fail Him...nowadays, people say they LOVE God...but they do not fear Him...hmmm...that sounds ironic right? the old testament, an eye is equal to an life is equal to the old testament, thunder means the voice of the Lord...and the rain means His anger or sorrow..nowadays, thunder is just a prelude to a heavy rainfall, and rain means flood, flood means poor drainage...hehehe... one funny thing, back in those days where people feared God, they used swords, knives and etc. for battles...showing courage and no fear of death and pain...nowadays, people use guns, nukes, etc...and hide behind the walls for cover...but do not fear GOD at all....*raises eyebrow*..

yep, people have become different these times...they have different perspectives of what things mean... and what God's funny though, that however religious people are now, they still don't know who and what God is..right?afterall the years that God has shown His power and His love through Christ... people still commit sin...murderers still kill, rich people abuse, husbands still cheat... and people just don't care at all...

i do believe that the world is a very wonderful place to live... and i do believe that the secret to ultimate peace is loving our neighbors... when there is love, there is always trust, respect, care, peace, happiness... sometimes, i wonder and ask God..why is it that the world is such a complicated place to live in? Hehe. And God replied... if it wasn't...would you still know me?

Indeed, life is perfect the way it is...we live, we learn and we multiply...:D..God bless everyone...


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