..compelled to excel...

last sunday the pastor had the second sequel (hehehe) on his preach about excellence... he preached about being compelled to excellence as Paul said... we are compelled to be excellent in our faith, speech, knowledge, diligence, love and giving...

can we do this? can we be excellent in these things??? well, we should be...as children of GOD...

this matter is so hard to explain, expecially to non-believers..but nonetheless, let us be excellent in our own ways...by not competing with other people..but being the BESt as we can be...not having to give just the "good enough"..but the BEST...

BEST means achieving what you want to achieve...doing what you think is right and perfect...

BEST, EXCELLENCE, PERFECTION doesn't have to be spot-free...but having to lessen the spot each day as you go your way to live...

GOD bless all..let us be excellent and perfect in our own ways...mwahhh....


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