new me?hehehe...

it's already 2006!!!hehehe...i don't know if i'd should be happy or be trembling coz time is running sooo fast...hehehe...joke!!ofcourse i'm so happy...becoz that means i'll be graduating soooon...and that..hehehe...secret...

well...pangit and i had an OK anniversary... he sent me a bear "i named it FOUR..hehehe.."..then i cooked dinner for him...well don't ask what i was not as delicious as mama's but it is from the bottom of my toot..hehehe...heart...after that...we thank GOD that we're still together...and i'm really glad that we're still together...i know...we had difficulties...we had fights and all..but still at the end of the day..its' still US...

this is four...

on the 30th...the cuatro marias visited their lala..lala is so wawa' because she really missed us..we were with pangit n jig...then after going to lala's..pangit and i went to toot...hehehe...

at toot...well at jones beach resort...we spent the whole time together..and i mean together...hehehe...we enjoyed each single second with each other...then we saw jollibee company crew...hehe..we found our old friends...and talked..then when they started their's back to to US...hehehe...and i loved each moment spent with him...:)...and everything is history...and SECRET!!!hehehe...

the next day...we swam at the pool..because the beach is not "likeable"..hahaha...i repeat not there we swam at the pool...giggling around..laughing...then....then..then...we went home...hahaha....sorry if i have to leave a few details out...hahaha....

it's for me to keep..and for u to...IMAGINE..hahaha..ooops...

well i after spending time with my pangit...i spent the rest of the afternoon...circling davao...hahaha..with my sis chelly...then when we got home..i realized i was dead i slept...hahaha..i woke up at 11:00pm...good thing i woke up..or i would be missing new year's eve...we watched CSI...and blew horns..shout...enjoy...felt 2006 coming!!!hahaha...check out our pics in PIX GALORE...

on the first day of january...i prepared lunch..then pangit came around 4..watched CSI (borrowed from Mahtet)...then started to prepare for the new year party at verdebarr...go check it out at torres st...hehehe it's my tita's....hehehe...

at the party...good food..really good food...when was ging chan's food not good?hahaha..then...magazines..we had a magazine marathon....with the rest of my family...hahaha...after was boring...and i started feeling we decided to go home..

when we got home...i realized it's back to work again...huhuhu..i cried again...for the nth time...huhuhu..because my head was hurting...and i feel so tired..just thinking about..the coming days..

waaaaaaaaaaaah..but let GOD do the rest...hehehe...

i love life..i'll live life...and i'll survive!!!hahaha...

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!!!


Anonymous said…
seems Like 2006 is turning out better that i thought.....just continue Living sis and if u reaLLy wanna be!

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